The monsters on the left are just silly doodles that stand no chance of getting published so I have no problem of showing you them here.
Also to help ease the wait until I start reposting again I would like to point out my new link list entitled "Webcomics that I like". Go and read some. They are all good in their own weird way especially Forming and Dr Mcninja, those are the best ones.
Also to help ease the wait until I start reposting again I would like to point out my new link list entitled "Webcomics that I like". Go and read some. They are all good in their own weird way especially Forming and Dr Mcninja, those are the best ones.
UPDATE: I've settled on the name "Bear With A Chainsaw" for my zine. I stole it from Uncle Eric. Everyone tell me what you think in the comments.
Brief reply to letter received 4-30-10:
Finals not yet over for Texans. Hecka busy bad project time. Noreply letter yet except this. Naomi is good! Applaud your decision to draw stuff from real life like at museums. Typewriters elusive; difficult prey. Bear on back of letter awesome. Arthur to be informed soon.
Actually I found a typewriter the same day I wrote that letter coincidentally. Kimber owned like four. now she owns like three. (she gave it to me I didn't steal)
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