This is what I would call a double vampire. It eats vampires like the one I drew below, by chomping there flesh into oblivion and drinking the stolen blood that spills forth. But they will eat normal prey if they're in a pinch.
Props to my cousin Arthur who, if I'm right, originally told me about his idea of double vampirism.
Now do the 9 Toad Head or the 9 toed head.
Welcome 'I kick ass. Believe it!'
What is a 9 Toad Head or 9 toed head?
One of Arthur's ideas
but will someone please explain what it's supposed to look like?
Its supposed to be a 9 toad or toed head. Or each toad has 9 toes on its head. Anyway, I like the to many fingers and teeth approach. I'd suggest perhaps also a couple extra ears, small spider eyes next to the main optical orbs and perhaps one or two to many bends in the arms and legs similar to ben boozle.
So I'm still a little confused. It is a toad with 9 toes on its head. Is that all? or maybe its a toad with 9 heads and 9 toes on each head? Something like that?
no, no, no. It's the '9 toad/toed face' Not head. And It's either a face with nine toes sprouting from it, or maybe it's a face with nine toad heads sprouting from it. The guy who tells the other guy about it (in my unfinished novel) isn't sure which one it is.
monster fun!
Wow, have not checked the comments on here in a while. Thank you onirica and I hope you come back to see more monsters!
And Arthur If I draw a 9 toad/toed face, I will probably draw several versions of it. since I don't know which one it actually is.
-Devin(I am using another account sorry)
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